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Giclee Prints

Fine Art Epson Giclee Prints have captured the hearts of many artists and collectors. Using pigmented inks and 100% cotton rag artist’s paper, these prints provide unsurpassed color depth and life-like reproduction of the original artwork.

Digital Image

State-of-the-art digital technology is used to capture a high quality, high resolution digital file. The image is then viewed in a carefully calibrated graphic display where any necessary adjustments for color, contrast, and density is made to ensure that the print faithfully reproduces the original artwork.


Using Epson inkjet printers, the image is transferred to heavyweight, archival, Lyson watercolor paper. In preparation for final printing, a custom proof is sent to the artist for approval. Prints are made to order and are individually signed and numbered by the artist.

Print Size

The sheet dimension listed includes a white margin around the image for proper handling. Image sizes are adjusted to the nearest inch. Custom sizes are available.


Giclee prints should be treated with the same care as original watercolor paintings, placed away from direct sunlight or accidental exposure to water.